Red Pressures – Controlling the Heat!

Archive for the ‘Coaching’ Category

Parenting issues in 20??

Parents, Children and Young People need to wise up!

Are you up to speed with some of the serious challenges facing children, young people and parenting today?


Parenting Matters!

Umm yes – parenting in 20?? Is very different to parenting teenagers 10 – 15 years plus ago – in my opinion. What’s different you may ask? Well lots of things are different which calls for many different parental skills and additional knowledge, resources, courage and nerve!


We now have Academy Schools and Free School’s neither of which is accountable to the Local Authority. What does this mean? Quite a lot actually as the Local Authority are no longer in a position to hold all schools to account and to provide the high-level oversight, scrutiny and support services that they use to provide.


How do you detect if your child is using alcohol or other substances? Yes of course your child is very sensible and wouldn’t use alcohol or illicit substances!


How do you control you child’s access to the Internet and how much time they spend on it?

Mobile Telephones and other such Internet accessible technological devices.

In 2015, a high percentage of children and young people either have their own mobile or Internet accessible device. So how do you control access and use of such for their own protection?

Bullying, Harassment, Intimidation

What do you do when your child is bullied in their school, locality, by their so-called friends and peers? How do you advise, guide and steer your son or daughter if they are being subjected to such horrific and soul-destroying behaviours? Well that’s if you even know that they are being subjected to such behaviours in the first place!

Social Media

How do you control the access your child has to social media and what impact can social media have on your child? On their heart, mind, body, physical, emotional and mental wellbeing?


What do you do when popularity is very important to your child and their popularity is being threatened?  Do you know the impact and what it means to your child to gain “likes” on social media?

Check back again soon as we discuss each of these issues further from a parental and a young persons perspective.  Better still, if you are a young person, parent or have something relevant to this post to share and if you would like us to consider adding your blog or your experience, please send your information to including your telephone number, email address / contact details.


Yvonne Cherrington DipSW MCMI

It’s Time for Change!!

Mike Cherrington Election 2015

Mike has successfully competed in two British Marathons’

Umm heard this somewhere before but its very true – if you sit back and complain but either take no action or simply vote for the same person or same Political Candidate as you did previously, then don’t be surprised when you see history continue to repeat itself and our Country continue to demise.

That’s why its time to change, the Green Party has a lot to offer and is not simply about environmental issues, notwithstanding how important environmental issues are to this Country,  Darlington, the World and World Peace.

The Green Party has a great deal to offer families, individuals, older people and those who need to access public services.  That is why Mike Cherrington MCMI has decided to stand to become MP for Darlington.  Mike initially started his career as an apprentice footballer for Reading; he then progressed to become a professional athlete and has won local and national medals.  He has been a volunteer since his teenage age – he is committed to lifelong volunteering and has derived much gratification from this. If you want to see positive change for Darlington then follow these steps: –

  1. Pledge towards Mike’s campaign,
  2. Vote for Green Party candidates at the next general election
  3. Vote for your local Green Councilor Candidates

Facebook: The Green party candidate for Darlington    Twitter: @GreenCandidate

Darlington Green Party Candidate

Mike is standing for Darlington MP in the General Election 2015 for the Green Party

Introducing #Darlington’s Troy Williamson

About Me

  • Troy boxes for Team GB

    Team GB Boxing

    What is your Name:

    • Troy Williamson
  • How old are you:
    • 23 years old
  • Where do you live:
    • I live in my home Town of birth – Darlington
  • What is your favourite sport:
    • Boxing
  • Who is your sporting hero:
    • Mike Tyson
  • Where do you box:
    • Darlington Boxing Club
  • Why did you get involved in boxing:
    • I became involved in boxing, as I wanted to better myself and achieve in my chosen sport so I went to my local gym and joined and soon realised that I had a lot of natural talent and potential
  • What is your background:
    • I come from a challenging background where we didn’t have a lot of money to spare, but we did have an abundance of love;  So I decided to make the most of my physical attributes in a positive way to make my family and community proud of me. I also wanted to inspire other young people to stay away from negativity, drugs and crime and to use their talents and aspirations positively
  • What are your achievements to date:
    • I’m currently ranked number 2 in England
    • I continue to help others
    • I have reached the Senior Elite ABA Finals in only my fourth boxing season
  • What is your current level of competition:
    • I Represent Great Britain, I’m boxing at world level via tournaments all over the world
  • What is your ambition:
    • My ambition is to qualify for the 2016 Rio Olympics, then turn professional and to win World Titles
  • Why do you require sponsorship or donations:
    • To help me to improve my fitness, training regime, diet and nutritional planning.
    • I welcome all financial (and other) donations and am particularly seeking those who wish to contribute to my sponsorship programme.
      • Sponsorship Programme:
        • Plan A = £ 175.00 per month or more for a minimum 12 month period
        • Plan B – £150 per month for a minimum of 12 months
        • Plan B = £100 per month for a minimum of 12 months
          • What do you get back for sponsoring me?
            • You would be supporting a Team GB Boxer
            • You would be supporting a future Darlington Olympic Champion
            • You would gain photographic opportunities for yourself or your business
            • You would gain my appearance for special events / occasions
            • You would gain business Branding / logo promotional opportunities for you or your business
            • You would gain 1 FREE Red Virtual Administration (RedVAS) Online Office.
            • You or your business would gain 1 FREE Red Pressures Ltd Coaching Session.
Darlington's Troy Williamson

Troy was born in the northeast of England and is working hard to promote all that Darlington and the Northeast has to offer in terms of business growth, development, family life and opportunities.



Contact Details


Instagram: troywilliamson_1

Twitter: @Troy_W1

16 Safe Employment Skills Techniques

It is very important to carry out full reference checks and vet staff before allowing them into your business even if it is for volunteering purposes.

Vetting Staff

Protecting business against rouge staff

It is important to acknowledge that some people have negative intentions and seek only to cause hassle and then to portray themselves as victims.

Employment Tribunals can be avoided by simply following some basic employment techniques such as:

1). Following though with several references checks from former employers of the prospective employee. Under no circumstances should this be avoided, even if the person is being employed to volunteer for a few hours per week.

2). Ensure that you recruit using full professional interviewing techniques and do not cut corners during this process.

3). It is good practice to have a minimum of three interviewers on the interview panel and take good notes throughout the process.

4) Test the prospective employees competence in being able to undertake the tasks that they will be employed to undertake.

5). Communicate using formal correspondence and ensure you keep your relationships on a business footing at all times as trust is something that is earned over a sustained period of time.

6). Ensure you keep a robust filing system so that you are able to retrieve relevant information at will.

7). If you or your business is taken to Employment Tribunal, its also important to take the time to follow tribunal processes or to pay for support as untrustworthy volunteers and individuals take advantage of the fact that busy business and employers do not have the time to read the mammoth correspondences and communications that the business or individual will be subjected to through Employment Tribunal processes.

8). Bare in mind that those with bad intent don’t always tell the truth to you or anyone else.

9). Black or foreign employers must also consider the racist intent of those with the will to try to cause hassle or scam monies out of others. Unfortunately this is true as racism and racist intent are horrendous and everyone should work hard to show all forms of racism the red card.

10). Considerations must be given to the intent of others and yourself if you don’t follow this basic guidance.

11). Remember that innocent business and people can be found guilty by the Employment Tribunal thus it is imperative that due process is followed and time is found for it, even though inconvenient and time consuming.

12). Please remember that those with such negative intent, have the will and the time to do so, unlike busy business.

13). There are those who seek to bully others by porting themselves as a victim. Unfortunately there are many reasons why people seek to cause hurt, pain and hassle to others but the important thing is that you must take simple steps to protect yourself from the harm, distress and financial loss that these people cause.

14). Dont be embarrassed or feel shame due to the inappropriate behaviours of others. Simply follow these simple steps and seek help, guidance and support but don’t let such bullies get you or your business down or bring you or your business down.

15). Good luck out there but it is not luck that is needed but robust recruitment and employment skills!

16). These processess are not good for your work-life balance but being bullied and harassed its good either. Therefore there are times when it is vital to take steps and to move on as most people are honest and decent and seek to do a good job and help others. This is important to remember.

For further advice, you can contact Nicky Jolly at HR2day about how to safely recruit and employ staff.

11 Tips to Keeping the Flame Alive in your Intimate Relationship

11 Tips to Promote Lasting Intimate Relationships

Nobody said relationships were easy, but guess what – if you don’t nurture and look after your relationship you will loose it!

10 ways to keep your marriage alive.

Nobody said relationships were easy, but guess what – if you don’t nurture and look after your relationship you will loose it!

Relationships don’t simply look after themselves – so why do couples seem so surprised that their relationship has come to an end?

Nobody said relationships were easy, but guess what – if you don’t nurture and look after your relationship you will loose it!

1) Kissing: Kiss on the lips when you say goodbye and when your partner returns to you each day – each time. Don’t forget to give full eye contact and smile too.

2) Attention: Spend time giving full attention when you listen to how your partners day has gone. Take the time to actively listen to what is being said to you and offer praise and demonstrate interest in what is being said to you.

3) Communication: Share the positives of your day with your partner and let them know if there is something specific that is problematic to you in your work or life. Let your partner know how they can support you. Don’t leave it to chance or make it a guessing game as to what is troubling you and what remedies you are seeking from them to help you get through. Remember that the way they used to support you in the past may not be the same support that you welcome today – as we all change! (and visa versa).

4) Intimacy: Don’t for get the power and importance of touch. Make time to physically enjoy each other. Remember that as we get older, physical touch remains very important, if it is not so important for you, it is imperative that you give due regard to your partners thoughts and feeling around this issue. Notwithstanding such, it remains important for partners to stay physically connected with each other. Do remember that as well as being sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, aunties and uncles, we all remain individuals and lovers. It is amazing that physically, we all sexually mature at different ages and our sexual needs may differ each month or year depending on what our life experiences have been. Nevertheless, physical contact can be a beautiful bind.

5) Relate: Ensure that you do something positive and personal for your partner each week – better still, each day. Take the time to make each other a drink, buy flowers, chocolates, simply something. It does not have to be of monetary value or expensive simply personal effort. It is important to demonstrate that you care, that your in love with your partner and don’t simply assume that they know this to be a fact.

6) Commitment: Be mindful that everyone has highs and lows in there lives, ups and downs. Commitment should transcend through our individual highs and lows thus allowing us to offer extended support to our partners when they need it. Sometimes this may be required when you feel that you don’t have it to give. At these times be open and honest with your partner whilst agreeing what levels of support you can realistically give. This may simply be 30 minutes of focused time, listening, holding, financial support or giving extended consideration.

7) Complementary: Be complimentary – don’t forget to look at your partner and notice their difference. By this I mean, notice a change in hair style, new cloths, new job. It is important to complement your partners achievements, physical appearance and of course the person that they are maturing into. We all change in time and overtime. If we do not work together to hold onto what we share in common, those commonalities will diminish and the things that have changed about us and our difference will drive wedges between partners. When this happens, either or both partners seek to find attention, fun and pleasure outside of the relationship which helps to bring divide, separation and unhappiness within the relationship.

8) Communication skills: Give your partner eye contact: This is so important, don’t forget to engage with your eyes to your partner, look at them and communicate your love, physically, emotionally, and mentally. You can do this by simply noticing your partner, demonstrating you care and are connected to them.

9) Clothes: Don’t forget to wear nice underwear and notice when your partner is wearing nice underwear for you. Notice and compliment your partners new cloths or better still buy an article of clothing for them (gifts). Our body changes in shape and size over the years. Childbirth, sickness, stress, time and a multitude of factors can change our physical appearance but that does not necessarily change the way we feel about ourselves or our partner. Sometimes our partners need a little encouragement to see the beauty in themselves. Sometimes our partners need a little encouragement to see the beauty that continues to exist in their partners but if the love and the will is there from both partners, you both have the tools to find your way.

10) Trust: It is good to share trust with each other and to demonstrate that you continue to have trust in your partner. It is important to acknowledge when your partner is reaching out for you or seeking reassurance that trust remains in tact. If trust has been broken within the relationship then it may be a good idea to seek appropriate help to enable trust to be reconnected. Reconnection can take place if both partners what this.

11) Work-life balance: Work-life balance can be complex to achieve with all those competing factors. Be mindful that having long lasting intimate relationships with your intimate partner will help you to achieve work-life balance. It is so important that you make the time to enjoy your partners company and to make the time to actively be with them. This means to be in the moment with them. To do things with them and to spend positive time together. To touch base with them and share the good things in their lives with them not simply the children, the bills, the debt, the family life! Keep your relationship connected. Keep the togetherness alive. Do not allow finances, work, Facebook, twitter, or technology to steal your precious time away from your partner.

Red Pressures can work with you and your partner to put the spice back into your relationship.

Yvonne Cherrington MCMI

Red Pressures

Tel : 07794 524 772
: 01325 529 759
Email :
Web :

29th May 2012

Selling more than just tiles? #BNI #Darlington #NEFollowers #westparkbni

The Mobile Tile Company

Nicola from the Mobile Tile Company is currently offering a free 1 hour consultancy session to make your home improvement dreams a reality. Wow.

Click on the title to learn a little more about the Mobile Tile Company

Does bullying happen to adults? #Darlington #BNI #NEFollowers

Topic: Bullying

Q: Does bullying happen to adults?
Being bullied isn’t only an issue for children and young people. Bullying is also very prevalent within the home and the work place. Bullying and harassment can take place for men as well as women of all ages.

Do adults get bullied?

Is being bullied something that only children and young people incur?

Q: Why do people sometimes feel bullied within the work place?
For a multitude of reasons, people feel the need, desire or will to abuse their power over their subordinates or colleagues.

Q: Can managers be bullied by their employees?
Of course, situations do arise where subordinates, or colleagues within the work place bully and harass their managers too.

Q: Can men be bullied within their homes?
Yes, domestic abuse can take place between male and female partners where the female partner inflicts physical and or mental abuse upon their male partners. This can become very embarrassing for men and an issue that they find exceptionally difficult and embarrassing to seek help to deal with. Which can often lead men to unnecessarily suffer for continuous periods without seeking any help or support to deal with domestic abuse.

What can you do if you are being bullied?
This is actually a very difficult issue as some organisations penalise the victim for reporting being bullied. Some members of the workforce may also be inclined to further seek to victimise the bully and side with the perpetrator. It is important to note that fair play does not always take place.

There may be many options that you may wish to consider and one option may be to seek a planned exit from the situation that you are facing as you may ultimately win the battle but not the war that you are dealing with. It is important to be very much aware that fighting bullies can be painful and time consuming. It may also have a detrimental effect upon your health, family and emotional wellbeing.

Although many organisations have excellent policies and procedures in place, this does not necessarily mean that they will effectively and efficiently invoke their grievance, bullying or harassment procedures.

All this said, careful thinking and strategies need to be invoked by the victim, making sure that they have strong and effective support mechanisms in place to support them through their decision making processes as the decision to fight or flight should be yours and supported by your key others too.

Consider invoking the services of life coach to support you through the change and action process.

Red Pressures
Controlling the Heat!

Car Seat Warning

Car Seat Alert


A small number of deaths in young babies have occurred in the past few months where babies have been left in car seats to sleep for long periods.


Research has been carried out in New Zealand in relation to babies experiencing breathing problems after being left sleeping in a car seat; concluded that the position the babies were sleeping in – with their head falling forward may have restricted their breathing.

The other significant factor was that the mothers of half the babies were smokers.

Research in America has also found that new-born and particularly premature babies can develop breathing problems from sitting for too long in car seats.

The Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths advises parents that the safest way for a baby to sleep is flat on their back and in their own cot or crib, preferably in the same room as a parent or other responsible carer.

However if a young baby is being transported in a car, he or she should be carried in a properly designed and fitted car seat, carried backwards and be observable by a competent adult.

▪ Every opportunity should be taken by everyone to reinforce with parents and carers of young babies to continue to use correctly fitted car seats for car journeys.
▪ To try to ensure that young babies do not have many long car journeys in particular.
▪ To not leave babies sleeping in their car seats once a journey is over, but rather place to sleep in their cot.

This information is meant to update knowledge and understanding and is not meant to scare monger or be taken out of context.

10 Ways to Increase Work Life Balance


5 ways to make those small but significant differences in your life

Lets talk work life balance!


1) Only work from one place in your house.  Do not allow your business or profession to spill in to every room within your home.

2) Be careful with your laptop as this business tool enables you to take your work into your bed-room. Allowing work into your private space!

3) Be very careful not to inappropriately mix business with pleasure.  There is much boundary setting when employing or working with friends or family members. These relationships are life long but can become very fragile quickly with devastating consequences!

4)  Make focussed planned time for your partner and your children.  Plan your family time and do not let your business or work interfere with that time.  For example: Don’t work on your (laptop) computer whilst watching a family programme.  Ensure you actively listen when your partner and children are talking to you.

5) Make time to connect with your thoughts and feelings everyday – if only for 20 minutes per day.  Take time to reflect and gather your thoughts. Review your time. Promote good self-care leadership and management techniques.

6) Ensure you do not neglect your key personal relationships especially your partner. The consequences can be dire. Especially if you have allowed the communications highways to be neglected!!

7) Make time for adult fun and intimacy in your life.   Natural hormones are released that help to stabilise and promote a sense of well-being.  Partners need love, affection and time and so do YOU.  A word of caution: If you loose your relationship along the journey then your children’s lives will be devastatingly affected which may impair their futures too!

8) Work on your mobile/blackberry/iPhone manners and ensure you develop family ethical ways of using this tool as this tool also has the capacity to encroach into all aspects and time within your life.

9) Try to commit to a hobby or interest outside of your relationships.  It is important to keep in touch with you.  To have time out.  Consider taking out a spa membership if you are not into a sport.  Try to take gentle exercise each and every day.  Remember that this could mean parking your car a little further away from your meeting and walking the rest of the journey.  Little strategies that can make a big difference.

10) Diary management. Ensure you plan ahead.  Put important dates in your diary including important dates for your child/ren and partner.  Such as: sports day, concerts, nativity plays, birthdays, anniversaries.

Remember, you are ultimately in charge of your life.  Don’t blame others and your life. Take small incremental steps to creating your meaningful future.  Work towards giving yourself the life you desire and deserve.

Don’t live your life in a bubble – not experiencing the world.  Break free, try new things. Engage a life coach. Value yourself, your goals and ambitions. After all, its your life and chances are that you will be responsible for the lives of others too.

Red Pressures

Controlling the Heat!

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Case Studies

Sharing Case Studies

Reflecting upon evidence of success

Service Evaluation: Full report compiled inclusive of executive summary to enable you to show your services measured impact upon your customers coupled with evidence of your organisations quality assurance.  Demonstrates the impact that your service has had on your customers thus provides you with an evidence based report of your credibility.

Case Study:

Red Pressures was invited to undertake a service evaluation of one of the Council’s leading children’s centre.  This commission involved providing interim management whilst gathering substantial evidence to support the content of the report.   Following submission of full report, this has led to the service provider offering ongoing role as change agent to lead, manage and change manage the service whilst implementing all recommendations.


Management Investigations: Don’t be afraid of employee tribunals, don’t be afraid to independently investigate incidents that arise within your organisation.  Full report supplied inclusive of executive summary, conclusions and recommendations.

Case Study:

Completed management investigation for a Local Authority Children’s Service which led to the Assistant Director being able to challenge their Ofsted grading (external inspection framework) thus successfully improving their star ratings.


Youth Services: Red Pressures provides a wide range of Youth Support Services from our executive team.  Services include: Interim Management, Strategic  direction and input, Consultancy, Service Integration, Quality assurance. Youth Inclusion, Street-based Provisions, NEET and much more.

Case Study:

Have worked closely with a local not for profit organisaiton to develop its football services across the Town, this has led to the organization now requesting that Red Pressures support them to achieve formal business status and support them to fundraise across the Town and develop their legal constitution, policies and procedures.


Social Work: Independent social work services inclusive of direct work with children, young people and their families.  Professional friend/supporter services, advocacy and support.  Fostering and Adoption support services available including mentoring and coaching support.


Coaching and Mentoring: available to support you the work and personal issues and transitions within your life.  All coaches are exceptionally experienced and from wide ranging professional services inclusive of public service careers.  Coaching and Mentoring support available to foster careers and adopters from experienced professionally qualified social workers.

Case Study

Service provided in an interim role has led to the commissioning of Red Pressures as a coach and mentor within this service provision for members of the senior executive team.  Reports to date are that significant improvements all round have been derived due to the input of her Red Pressures coach and mentor.


Red Pressures also provides bespoke safeguarding , diversity and leadership and management training that is designed to ensure return on investment.